

學力、實力副校長暨執行長兼主任秘書 劉柄麟 個人簡介


電話: 04-7111111 ext.12131218

傳真: 07-7111171





計畫來源 執行情形
科技部 16(10件控制理論、5件教材開發與1件小產學)
教育部 10(9教學卓越計畫)
專案計畫 8


專利類別 專利證號
全方位關懷輔導系統,發明,第I 478122號。
  1. 氣密油畫調色盤,新型,第M 455628號。
  2. 基準定向三角板,新型,第M 450722號。
  3. 空氣對流器發電以供逃生指示及開啟鐵捲門之系統,新型,第M 446220號。
  4. 自行車可調整發電量之結構,新型,第M 445533號。
  5. 如廁感應計時之安全裝置,新型,第M 445232號。
  1. 「家電式酒醋發酵系統」並技術移轉順立智能科技股份有限公司(TTC10803)新台幣10萬元。
  2. 溫室風扇模流分析技術移轉錦程電機有限公司(TTC10808),技術移轉案總金額10萬元。


國際發明展暨競賽 獲獎情形
金牌 10
銀牌 6
銅牌 2
特別獎 4



劉柄麟、李雪銀,專題製作(ISBN9574993620) 儒林圖書2000



年度 獲獎情形


年度 優良事蹟
2012 發表論文『具區間時變延遲基因調節網路強健穩定度分析』榮獲彰雲嘉學術研討會優秀論文獎
2009 論文『建構一套圖形監控式空氣對流致動系統實驗模組及實習教材發展之研究』榮獲彰雲嘉學術研討會工程類優秀論文獎
2008 參加2008技專院校共用性電子資料庫有獎徵文題目『中國期刊全文資料庫融 入「非線性系統」課程教學』榮獲教師組特優獎
2008 榮獲建國科科技大學教學優良教師
2006 榮獲建國科科技大學工程學院論文優良教師
2006 榮獲入圍第十四屆全國自動化科技研討會發表『無線傳輸應用於環境參數監測控制系統』最佳論文獎
2004 榮獲國立臺中高工第三屆傑出校友
2001 榮獲國立彰化師範大學第一屆傑出校友
1998 獲第一屆全國私立學校模範教師
1997 榮獲第十一屆傑出教師弘道獎(私立學校獎項中最高榮譽)
1994 榮獲建國工商專校教學績優教師
1994 榮獲建國工商專校績優導師
1993 榮獲建國工商專校績優導師



劉柄麟(Pin-Lin Liu)(19912022)學術研究論文著作目錄
1991年至今發表達100篇以上(h-index 20),累計論文在ResearchGate(RG Score 32.35)中統計被引用次數超過1200(https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pin-Lin-Liu)Total Research Interest 超過655 與超過4500位專家學者閱讀。Scopus搜尋申請人(Liu P.L.)74篇論文被引用次數超過1000次,

Part A. Refereed Articles, in Journals

  1. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved delay-derivative-dependent stability analysis for generalized recurrent neural networks with interval time-varying delays, Neural Processing Letters, vol. 51, no.1, pp. 427-448, 2020. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.620, Rank Factor: 74/133, Subject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS
  2. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-derivative-dependent stochastic stability criteria for Markovian jumping neutral-type interval time-varying delay systems with mixed delays, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol. 17, no.8, pp. 1899-1910, 2019. August, 國際期刊SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.687, Rank Factor: 38/58, Subject Categories: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  3. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-range-dependent stability criteria for delayed recurrent neural networks with interval time-varying delays, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, vol.16, no. 3, pp. 1186-1193,2018. June, SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.687, Rank Factor: 38/58, Subject Categories: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  4. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-dependent global robust exponential stability for delayed cellular neural networks with time-varying delays, Neural Processing Letters, vol.47, no.3, pp.1177-1195, 2018. June, 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.620, Rank Factor: 74/133, Subject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS
  5. Pin-Lin Liu, Further results on exponential stability and state feedback stabilization for time-delay singular saturating actuator systems with delay- dependence, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 139 / 101005-1,2017,October. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0022-0434], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.039, Rank Factor: 37/59, Subject Categories: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  6. Pin-Lin Liu, New delay-derivative-dependent stability criteria for linear systems with interval time-varying delays, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 24, no.2, pp.47-57, 2017.April
  7. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved results on delay-interval-dependent robust stability criteria for uncertain neutral-type systems with time-varying delays, ISA Transactions, vol.60, pp.53-66, January, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2015.11.004,國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  8. Pin-Lin Liu, Robust absolute stability criteria for uncertain Lurie interval time-varying delay systems of neutral type, ISA Transactions, vol.60, pp.2-11, January, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2015.10.019,國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  9. Pin-Lin Liu, Delayed decomposition approach to robust absolute stability of a Lur’e control system with time-varying delay, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol.40, no.3,pp. 2333–2345, February, 2016.國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.158, Rank Factor: 11/95, Subject Categories: MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2015.09.070
  10. Pin-Lin Liu, Further results on robust delay-range-dependent stability criteria for uncertain neural networks with interval time-varying delay, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 13, no.5, pp.1140-1149, October, 2015. SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.954, Rank Factor: 38/58, Subject Categories: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  11. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved robust exponential stability for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy uncertain systems with time-varying delays, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol. 39, no. 2, pp.150-158, February, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2015.1083187. SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.241, Rank Factor: 81/85, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY
  12. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-range-dependent robust absolute stability for Lur'e uncertain systems with interval time-varying delays, ISA Transactions, vol.58, pp.58-66, September, 2015.
    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2015.07.007 ,
    國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  13. Pin-Lin Liu, Delayed-decomposition approach for absolute stability of neutral-type Lurie control systems with time-varying delays, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 137, pp. 081002-1, August , 2015,國際期刊[ISSN: 0022-0434], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.039, Rank Factor: 37/59, Subject Categories: AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  14. Pin-Lin Liu, Further results on exponential robust stability analysis for recurrent neural networks with time-varying delay, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 137 / 041018-1, April 2015,國際期刊[ISSN: 0022-0434], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.039, Rank Factor: 37/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS, DOI: 10.1115/1.4029060
  15. Pin-Lin Liu, New results on delay-range-dependent stability analysis for interval time-varying delay systems with non-linear perturbations, ISA Transactions, vol. 57, pp. 93-100, 2015, July,國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  16. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-dependent robust stability criteria for neutral-type recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, ISA Transactions, vol. 55, pp. 92-99, 2015, March.國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  17. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved delay-range-dependent robust stability for uncertain systems with interval time-varying delay, ISA Transactions, vol. 53, no.6, pp. 1731-1738, 2014, November. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY. (doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2014.09.004
  18. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved delay-dependent robust stability criteria for neutral uncertain systems with time-varying delay, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 21, no.1, pp.1-11, 2014.
  19. Jing-Chen Xie, Chin-Pin Chen, Pin-Lin Liu and Yoau-Chau Jeng, Robust exponential stability analysis for delayed neural networks with time-varying delay, Advances in Difference Equations, vol.2014:131-147, May, 2014. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI, Impact Factor: 0.634, Rank Factor: 125/302, Subject Categories: MATHEMATICS.
  20. Pin-Lin Liu, “Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for neutral-type systems with time-varying delays: a delayed decomposition approach,” International Journal of General Systems, vol.43, no.6, pp.552-569, August, 2014. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.786, Rank Factor: 48/102, Subject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS.
  21. Pin-Lin Liu, Further results on delay-range-dependent stability with additive time-varying delay systems, ISA Transactions, vol.53, no.2, 258–266, March, 2014. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  22. Pin-Lin Liu, “Stabilization criteria for bilinear systems with time-varying delay,” Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 2, no.2, pp. 52-58, Febuary, 2014. (DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2014.020202)
  23. Pin-Lin Liu,Robust Stability analysis for T-S fuzzy neural networks with time-varying delays,” Universal Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 2, no.1, pp. 32-41, 2014.( DOI: 10.13189/ujca.2014.020105)
  24. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delayed decomposition approach to delay-dependent stability for time-varying delay descriptor systems,” Universal Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 1, no.2, pp. 58-67, 2013. (DOI: 10.13189/ujca.2013.010206)
  25. Pin-Lin Liu, Further improvement on delay-range-dependent stability results for linear systems with interval time-varying delays, ISA Transactions, vol. 52 no. 6, pp.725-729, November, 2013. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  26. Pin-Lin Liu, Improved delay-dependent stability of neutral type neural networks with distributed delays, ISA Transactions, vol. 52 no. 6, pp.717-724, November, 2013. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  27. Pin-Lin Liu, Delay-dependent global exponential robust stability for delayed cellular neural networks with time-varying delay, ISA Transactions, vol. 52, no. 6, pp.711-716, November, 2013. [SCI], [ISSN: 0019-0578], 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  28. Pin-Lin Liu, Observer-based control for time–varying delay systems with delay-dependence, Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 1, no.2, pp. 31-40, August, 2013. (DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2013.010204)
  29. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delay-range-dependent robust stability for uncertain singular systems with interval time-varying delays,” Universal Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 1, no.1, pp. 1-9, 2013. ( DOI: 10.13189/ujca.2013.010101)
  30. Pin-Lin Liu, Robust stability analysis of genetic regulatory network with time delays, ISA Transactions, vol.52, no.3, pp.326-334, 2013. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  31. Pin-Lin Liu, New results on stability analysis for time-varying delay systems with non-linear perturbations, ISA Transactions, vol.52, no.3, pp.318-325, 2013. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  32. Pin-Lin Liu, Further results on the stability analysis of singular systems with time-varying delay: A delay decomposition approach, International Journal of Analysis, volume 2013, Article ID 721407, pp.1-11, 2013, January.
  33. Pin-Lin Liu, A delay decomposition approach to stability analysis of neutral systems with time-varying delay, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 5013-5026, 2013,April. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.158, Rank Factor: 11/95, Subject Categories: MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS.
  34. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delay-dependent robust stability analysis for recurrent neural networks with time-varying delay,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 9, no.8, 3341-3356, 2013. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.667(2010)).
  35. Pin-Lin Liu, “State feedback stabilization of time-varying delay uncertain systems: A delay decomposition approach, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol.438, no.5, pp.2188-2209, 2013, March,國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.983, Rank Factor: 84/251, Subject Categories: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED.
  36. Pin-Lin Liu,Improved delay-dependent robust stability criteria for recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays,” ISA Transactions, vol.52, no.1, pp.30-35, 2013, January. 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  37. Pin-Lin Liu,A delay decomposition approach to robust stability analysis of uncertain systems with time-varying delays,” ISA Transactions, vol. 51, no.6, pp.694–701, 2012, November (SCI, Impact Factor=1.109(2011)) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.256, Rank Factor: 11/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY.
  38. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delay-range-dependent stability criteria for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with fast time-varying delays,” Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2012, Article ID 475728, pp.1-20, 2012. (SCI, Impact Factor= 0.656(2011))國際期刊[ISSN: 1110-757X], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor:0.7206, Rank Factor: 130/251, Subject Categories: MATHEMATICS, APPLIED.
  39. Pin-Lin Liu, “Improved delay-dependent robust exponential stabilization criteria for uncertain time-varying delay singular systems,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 9, no.1, pp.165-178, 2013, (SCI, Impact Factor=1.667(2010)). January
  40. Pin-Lin Liu,Further Results on robust exponential stabilization for time-varying delay saturating actuator systems with delay-dependence,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, vol.21, no.2, pp.127-135, 2013. (SCI, Impact Factor= 0.483 (2011))  國際期刊[ISSN: 1023-2796], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.483, Rank Factor: 53/87, Subject Categories: ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY
  41. Pin-Lin Liu,Delay-dependent robust stabilization for time-varying delay uncertain systems with saturating actuator,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, _2010_01_28(Accepted) (SCI, Impact Factor=1.667(2010)).
  42. Pin-Lin Liu,Further results on the exponential stability criteria for time delay singular systems with delay-dependence,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.8, no. 6, pp.4015-4024, 2012. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.667(2010)).
  43. Pin-Lin Liu,Robust stability for neutral time-varying delay systems with non-linear perturbations,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol.7, no. 10, pp.5749-5760, 2011. (SCI, Impact Factor=1.667(2010)).
  44. Pin-Lin Liu,Delay-dependent stabilization for linear time-delay uncertain systems with saturating actuators,” International Journal of General Systems, vol.40, no. 3,  pp. 301-312, 2011. (SCI, Impact Factor= 0.667(2011)) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0019-0578], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.786, Rank Factor: 48/102, Subject Categories: COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS.
  45. Pin-Lin Liu, “Global asymptotic stability for neural networks systems with discrete and distributed delay,” ICIC-ELB (ICIC Express Letters, Part B Applications, vol.1, no.2, pp.233-240, December 2010(EI).
  46. Pin-Lin Liu, “Stability criterion of neutral time-varying delay systems,” ICIC Express Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 1376-1372, 2010. (EI).
  47. Pin-Lin Liu,Further results on the stabilization for time-delay singular systems with delay-dependence,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology University, vol. 29, no.2, pp.69-82, 2010.
  48. Pin-Lin Liu, “Stabilization criteria for neutral time delay systems with saturating actuators,Journal of Franklin Institute, vol. 347, no. 10, pp.1577-1588, Oct. 2010. (SCI, Impact Factor= 2.724(2011)). 國際期刊[ISSN: 0016-0032], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.260, Rank Factor: 13/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  49. Pin-Lin Liu,Stability criteria for neutral uncertain systems with time-varying delays, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, vol. 224, no.4, pp.339-348, 2010. (SCI, Impact Factor =0.477(2011)) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0959-6518], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 0.783, Rank Factor: 43/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  50. Pin-Lin Liu,Exponential delay dependent stabilization for time-varying delay systems with saturating actuator,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 133. pp. 014502-1-6, 2011(SCI, Impact Factor 0.802(2011)) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0022-0434], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.039, Rank Factor: 37/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  51. Pin-Lin Liu,Further results on the exponential stability for time-delay systems with delay dependence, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 17, no.2, pp.155-160, 2010(EI).
  52. Pin-Lin Liu, “Stabilization of parameterically perturbed input-delay systems with saturating actuator, International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 41, no. 11,pp. 1273–1280, 2010. (SCI, Impact Factor= 0.991)(2011) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0020-7721], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 1.579, Rank Factor: 27/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  53. Pin-Lin Liu, “Robust exponential stability for uncertain time-varying delay systems with delay dependence,” Journal of Franklin Institute, vol.346, no.10, pp.958-968, 2009. (SCI, Impact Factor= 2.724) (2011) 國際期刊[ISSN: 0016-0032], SCI,單一作者, Impact Factor: 2.260, Rank Factor: 13/59, Subject Categories:  AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS
  54. Liu P. L., “Robust stability analysis of uncertain neural networks with time-varying delay- A Linear matrix inequality approach,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology University, vol. 27, no.3, pp. 15-46, 2008.
  55. Liu P. L., “On delay-dependent stabilization for uncertain neutral systems with distributed delays,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology University, vol. 25, pp. 37-54, 2005.
  56. Liu P. L., “On stability of neutral type uncertain systems with multiple time delays,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.15, no.2, pp.221-229, 2005. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.684)
  57. Liu P. L., “Delay-dependent asymptotic stabilization for uncertain time-delay systems with saturating Actuators,” International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol.15, no.1, pp.45-51, 2005. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.684)
  58. Liu P. L. and Shyr, W. J., “Another sufficient condition for the stability of grey discrete time systems,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.342, pp.15-23, 2005. (SCI, Impact Factor 1.130) DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2004.07.008
  59. Liu P. L., “Decentralized stabilization of large-scale systems with time delays,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology University, vol. 24, pp. 1-15, 2004.
  60. Liu P. L., “Exponential stabilization for input delay systems with delay dependence,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology University, vol. 23, pp. 77-93, 2003.
  61. Liu P. L., “Exponential stability for linear time-delay systems with delay-dependence,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.340, pp.481-488, 2003. (SCI, Impact Factor 1.130) DOI: 10.1016/j.jfranklin.2003.10.003
  62. Liu P. L., “Robust exponential stabilization for uncertain systems with state and control delay,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol.34, no. 12-13, pp.675-682, 2003. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918, Cited No. 1) DOI: 10.1080/00207720310001640719
  63. Yang, M. S. Yang and Liu P. L., “On Asymptotic stability of linear neutral delay-differential systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 33. no.11, pp.901-908, 2002. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918) DOI: 10.1080/00207720210167140
  64. Liu P. L., Kang, T. L., and Su, T. J., “Robust stabilization of parameter perturbed systems with delayed states and control delay,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, vol.24, no.6, pp.781-789, 2001.   (SCI, Impact Factor 0.227) DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2001.9670674
  65. Liu P. L., “Robust Stability of interval dynamic systems with multiple time-delays”, Electronics Letters, vol.37, no. 20, pp.1269-1270, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 1.140) DOI: 10.1049/el:20010833
  66. Liu P. L., “Stabilization of singularly perturbed multiple time-delay systems with saturating actuator,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 32, no. 8, pp.1041-1045, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918 Cited No. 1)
  67. Liu P. L., “Stability of grey continuous and discrete time-delay systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol.32, no.7, pp.947-952, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918) DOI: 10.1080/00207720010005636
  68. Liu P. L., “Delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain time delay systems with grey saturating actuator,” Journal of Grey Systems, vol. 13, no. 1, pp.49-56, 2001.
  69. Kang, T. L., Shyr, W. J. and Liu, P. L., “D-Pole placement robustness for perturbed grey discrete time-delay systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol.32, no.5, pp.639-642, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918)
  70. Liu P. L., “Robustness of pole assignment in a specified circular region for discrete –time grey systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol.32, no. 2, pp.269-272, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918) DOI: 10.1080/00207720120717
  71. Liu P. L., “Robust stability of multiple time-delay uncertain systems with nonlinearies,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol.32, no. 2, pp.185-193, 2001. (SCI, Impact Factor 0.918, Cited No. 1 ) DOI: 10.1080/00207720119289
  72. Liu P. L., “Delay-dependent robust stabilization for uncertain time delay systems with saturating Actuator,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology, vol. 20, pp. 291-298, 2001.
  73. Kang, T. L., Lin C.C. and Liu, P. L., “On new sufficient conditions for the stability of grey linear systems, Journal of Grey Systems, vol.12, no.2, pp.165-172, 2000.
  74. Kang, T. L., Shyr, W. J. and Liu, P. L., “Stability analysis for perturbed grey discrete time systems with time delay,” Journal of Grey Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp.175-180, 2000.
  75. Kang, T. L.,Shyr, W. J., and Liu, P. L., “Stability analysis for perturbed grey discrete time systems with time delay,” Journal of Grey Systems, vol. 12, no. 2, pp.175-180, 2000.
  76. Liu, P. L., “New sufficient criteria for the stability of continuous and discrete time-delay grey systems,” Journal of Grey Systems, vol.12, no.1, pp.29-39, 2000.
  77. Liu P. L., and T. J. Su, “Stability for single and large-scale uncertain systems with time- varying delays,” IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Application, vol. 146, no. 6, pp.591-597, 1999. (SCI, Impact Factor 2.106) DOI: 10.1049/ip-cta:19990681
  78. Wang, B. W., Liu P. L., Su, T. J., “Robust stabilization of time-delay systems with multiple time-varying delays, Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, vol. 29 pp.81-102, 1999.
  79. Kang, T. L., Liu P. L., Su, T. J., “On robust stability dependent of delay for grey linear systems,” Journal of Grey Systems, pp.325-334, 1999.
  80. Liu, P. L., and Yang, M. S., “ Stability of grey linear systems with time-delay, ” Journal of Grey Systems, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 335-346,1999.
  81. Yang, M. S., and Liu, P. L., “On new sufficient conditions for the stability of grey linear systems,” Journal of the Chinese Grey System Association, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 23-30, 1999.
  82. Jong, G. J., Liu, P. L., and Su, T. J., “Robust D-stability of singularly perturbed discrete-time delay,” Journal of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, vol. 28 pp.77-88, 1999. 
  83. Liu, P. L., “Robust decentralized stabilization for large-scale systems with time-delays,” Journal of Chienkuo Technology, Vol. 19, pp. 261-271, 1999.
  84. Liu, P. L., “Robust stability test for time delay systems with high order differential-difference equations,” J. of Chien Kuo Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 343-357, 1998.
  85. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Robust stability of interval time-delay systems with delay-dependence,” System &Control Letters, pp.231-239, 1998. DOI: 10.1016/S0167-6911(97)00098-4
  86. Liu, P. L., “Robust eigenstructure assignment for uncertain time delay systems with multiple time-varying delays,” J. of Chien Kuo Technology, Vol. 16, pp. 267-280, 1997.
  87. Kuo, T. H., Liu, P. L., Su. T. J., “Robust stability discrete time-delay systems under structured perturbations,” J. of National Kaohsiung Institute of Technology, vol. 26, pp. 105-116, 1996.
  88. Tsay, J. T., and Liu, P. L., “Dynamic feedback compensator for constrained uncertain time-delay systems,” J. of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, vol. 3, no.4, pp. 359-365, 1996.
  89. Tsay, J. T. and Liu, P. L., “Robust stability for perturbed large-scale time-delay systems,” IEE Proceedings Control Theory and Application, pp. 233-236, 1996. DOI: 10.1049/ip-cta:19960304
  90. 劉柄麟,三相交流感應馬達轉速之適應控制,建國學報,第十五期,第361-3871995
  91. Liu, P. L., Su, T. J., “A Way to Stabilize Constrained Time-Delay Systems,” J. of the Chinese Institute of Engineering, pp.751-761, 1995.
  92. Liu, P. L., Su, T. J., “Correction to Robust Stability Analysis for Linear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with delay-dependence,” J. of the Chinese Institute of Engineering, pp. 729-730, 1995.
  93. Liu, P. L., “Stabilization of Input-Delay Constrained Systems with Delay-Dependence,” Internat. J. Systems Sci. , vol. 26, no.2, pp. 245-255, 1995.
  94. Liu, P. L., “Robust Stability for Parametrically Perturbed Linear Systems with Time-Delay,” J. of the Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, vol.1, no.3, pp.191-197, 1994.
  95. Su, T. J. and Liu, P. L., “Robust Stability Analysis for Linear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with Delay-Dependence,” J. of the Chinese of Engineers, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 571-576, 1993.
  96. Su, T. J. and Liu, P. L., “Robust Stability for Linear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with Delay- Dependence,” Internat. J. Systems Sci., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1067-1080, 1993.
  97. Liu, P. L. “Estimating the Delay Time for the Stability of Large-Scale Time-Delay Systems with Delay-Dependence,” J. of Chien Kuo Technology, pp. 261-271, 1993.
  98. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J. “Stabilization of Robust Systems with Delay-Dependence,” J. of Industrial Education, pp.95-106, 1992.
  99. Liu, P. L. and Huang, C. G., “An Estimator for Linear Systems with Delay-Dependence,” J. of Chien Kuo Technology, pp.151-164, 1991.
  100. Su,T. J. and Liu, P. L., “A Dynamic Controller for Linear Uncertain Time-Delay Systems,” J. of the Chinese of Engineers, vol. 14, no.6,pp. 639-643,1991.

Part B. Refereed Articles, in Conference Proceedings

  1. Pin-Lin Liu,Robust exponential stability analysis for delayed neural networks with time-varying delay, 彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟2012年學術研討會,環球科技大學,2013126
  2. Pin-Lin Liu, Further Improvement of Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Linear Time-Varying Delays Systems with Delayed Decomposition Approach, Proceeding of the 30 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, CSME30-ID 1021, pp. 1-6, 2013.
  3. Pin-Lin Liu, Robust stability for uncertain genetic regulatory networks with interval time-varying delays, 彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟2012年學術研討會,大葉大學,pp.1-20, 2012.(優秀論文獎)
  4. Pin-Lin Liu, A delay decomposition approach to stability for time-varying delays systems with delay-dependence, Proceeding of the 29 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, ID-1062, pp. 1-6, 2012.
  5. L. Zhang, P. L. Liu, Y. H, Chiu, Improved robust stability criteria for T-S uncertain fuzzy systems for recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, Proceeding of the 29 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, ID-1061, pp. 1-6, 2012.
  6. P. L. Liu and M. H. Lin, Application and implementation of micro-generatorbicycles,” Proceeding of the 29 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, E09-020, pp. 1-8, 2011.
  7. 劉柄麟 簡唯竹 林孟宏, “自行車微型發電機設計之研製,” Proceedings of Sixth Intelligent Living Technology Conference, pp. 1444-1449(2011).
  8. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delay-dependent stability of delayed cellular neural networks systems with time-varying delay,” 彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟2010 年學術研討會明道大學,pp.1-5, 2010.
  9. Pin-Lin Liu, “Delay-range-dependent stability for interval delay systems with time-varying delays,” Proceeding of the 27 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, BB02-02, pp. 1-6, 2010.
  10. Pin-Lin Liu,Delay-dependent stabilization criterion for neutral time-delay systems,” Proceeding of the 26 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, B01-003, pp. 1-6, 2009.
  11. Pin-Lin Liu,Robust stabilization for uncertain time-varying delay systems with delay-dependence, ” Proceeding of the 26 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, B03-003, pp. 1-6, 2009.
  12. Pin-Lin Liu, Wei-Nan Lin, Shih-Ping Huang , “Delay-range-dependent stability for time-varying delays systems,” Proceedings of 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, #00043,pp.1-6,2009. (EI)
  13. Pin-Lin Liu, Shih-Ping Huang, Jiun-Yi Li, “On delay-dependent stability criteria for neutral delay systems,” Proceedings of 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, #00044,pp.1-6,2009. (EI)
  14. Pin-Lin Liu, “Stabilization of networked control systems with delay-dependence,” Proceedings of 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 27-29, #00078, pp.1-6, 2009. (EI)
  15. 劉柄麟、黃貞菱、黃世平, “網路時延強健控制系統控制器設計,” 彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟2009 年學術研討會中國醫藥大學北港分部,pp. 755-767,2009.
  16. Pin-Lin Liu, “The study of constructs circulation fan actuator system model based on the graphical monitoring control system and develops experimental instruction materials, 彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟2009 年學術研討會中國醫藥大學北港分部,pp.554-567,2009. (優秀論文獎)
  17. Liu, P. L. Kang, T. L. and Su, T. J., “Robust stability criterion for neutral uncertain systems with time delay,” 2001 Automatic Control Conference, pp.539-544, 2001.
  18. Yang, M. S., Liu, P. L, “Sliding mode control for uncertain neutral time delay systems with series nonlinearities, 2001 Automatic Control Conference, pp.196-201, 2001.
  19. Liu, P. L, Yang, M. S., Chen, Y. L. “Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with Series Nonlinearities,” 第十二屆全國自動化科技研討會.
  20. Liu, P. L, “Robust Stabilization for Uncertain Time Delay Systems with Saturating Actuator” 3rd IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS2001).
  21. Kang , T. L. Lin, C. C. Liu, P. L., “The grey relation analysis of technology competencies on the digital control curriculum design for the electrical engineering depeatment of senior industrial vocational school ,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 2000灰色系統理論與應用研討會, pp.E72-E79, 2001.
  22. Liu, P. L., “Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller Design for Grey Time-Delay Systems,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 2001色系統理論與應用研討會, C194-C199,2001.
  23. Liu, P. L. Kang, T. L. and Su, T. J., “Robust exponential stability for uncertain time delay systems with delay-dependence”, Proceeding of the 18 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001
  24. Chin-Hua Liu Jin-Te Tsay, Liu, P. L., “Robust stability for linear neutral time delay uncertain systems with delay-dependence,” Proceeding of the 18 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers,2001.
  25. Liu, P. L., “Stability of linear neutral delay-differential systems,” 2000 Automatic Control Conference, pp.372-376, 2000.
  26. Kang, T. L., Shyr, W. J. and Liu, P. L., “A sufficient condition for stability analysis of grey discrete time systems with time delay,” Proceeding of The Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, pp. 663-666, 2000.
  27. Liu, P. L. and Shyr, W. J. “Robust stability criteria for bilinear time-delay systems,” Proceeding of Toward the 21st Century Technological and Vocational Education Conference,” pp. 162-171, 2000.
  28. Liu, P. L. and Hong, H. L., “Stabilization of multiple singularly perturbed time-delay systems,” Proceeding of the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering System 2000, (Accepted).
  29. Liu, P. L. Su, T. J. and Kang, T. L., “Stabilization for multiple time-delay systems with nonlinear singularly perturbation,” UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,University of Cambridge, pp.1-6, 2000.
  30. Kang , T. L. Lin, C. C. Liu, P. L., “Stability analysis of continuous and discrete–time grey systems,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 2000色系統理論與應用研討會, pp.299-304, 2000.
  31. Liu, P. L. Kang, T. L. and Su, T. J., “D-stability analysis for discrete time-delay grey systems,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 2000色系統理論與應用研討會, pp.345-351, 2000.
  32. Kang, T. L., Liu P. L., Su, T. J., “Robust stabilization for uncertain time-delay saturating actuators systems with delay-dependent,” Proceeding of the 17 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp.21-27, 2000.
  33. Liu P. L., Lan, H. C., Shu, W.C., and Yeh, C. F., “Robust stabilization of uncertain time-delay systems by sliding mode control,” Proceeding of the 17 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp.443-450, 2000.
  34. Liu, P. L., “Robust stability of time-varying discrete multiple time-delay,”第十一屆全國自動化科技研討會, pp. 23-30, 1999.
  35. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., ”Stability analysis of uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuator,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1076-1081, 1999.
  36. Liu, P. L., and Hung H. L.,” Stability for bilinear time-delay systems with saturating actuators,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1082-1086, 1999.
  37. Yang, M. S., Liu, P. L and Lu, H. C., “Output feedback stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems with multiple state delays via sliding mode control strategy,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 1147-1152, 1999.
  38. Cheng H. C. and Liu, P. L., “Stabilization analysis of uncertain time-delay systems with saturating actuator,” Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference Applied Modelling and Simulation, Chairns, Australia, pp.511-516, 1999.
  39. Tsay, J. T. and Liu, P. L., and Yang, M. S., “Robust stability of multiple time-delay uncertain systems with series nonlinearies,” Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference, Applied Modelling and Simulation, Chairns, Australia, pp.368-371, 1999.
  40. Liu, P. L., Tsay, J. T. and Su, T. J., “Robust stability for perturbed time-delay systems with delay-dependence,” Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference Applied Modelling and Simulation, Chairns, Australia, pp.372-377, 1999.
  41. Tsay, J. T. and Liu, P. L., “Robust stability of perturbed discrete-time saturating actuator systems with time-varying delay,” Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference CONTROL AND APPLICATIONS, Banff, Canada, pp.75-79, 1999.
  1. Liu, P. L., “A new sufficient criterion for the stability of time-delay grey systems,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 第四屆灰色系統理論與應用研討會, pp.8-13, 1999.
  2. Kang , T. L. Lin, C. C. Liu, P. L., “Robust stability of discrete grey systems with Time-Delay,” 中華民國灰色系統學會, 第四屆灰色系統理論與應用研討會, pp.14-20, 1999.
  3. Kang, T. L. and Liu, P. L., “Stabilization for nonlinear singularly perturbed multiple time-delay systems with delay-dependence,” Proceeding of the 16 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp.553-559, 1999.
  4. Liu, P. L. and Hung, H. L., “Stability condition for linear systems with time-varying delay,” Proceeding of the 16 th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering The Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp.600-606, 1999.
  5. Liu P. L. and Yang, M. S. and Su T. J, “Improved measure of stability robustness for linear systems with time-varying delayed perturbations,“ 1998 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 204-206, 1998.
  6. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., "Robust stability of interval time-delay systems with delay-dependence," System &Control Letters, p.231-239, 1998.
  7. Su, T. J., Liu, P. L., and Liu, C. H., “Robust control of perturbed discrete time-delay systems with saturating actuator,” “Proceeding s of the Sixteenth IASTED International Conference, Modelling, Identification and Control, pp. 350-353, 1997.
  8. Liu, P. L., Liu, C. H., Su, T. J., Jong G. J., “Delay-dependent asymptotic stability for linear parameterically perturbed time-delay systems,” Proceedings of the Sixteenth IASTED International Conference, Modelling, Identification and Control, pp. 346-349 , 1997.
  9. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Delay-dependent asymptotic stability for perturbed time-delay systems , “1996 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 17-22, 1997.
  10. Su, T. J., and Liu , P. L., “Delay-dependent stability criterion for bilinear systems with stated-delay and saturating actuators,” The 12Th T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp. 107-115 ,1997.
  11. Liu, P. L., Yang, M. S. and  Su, T. J.,  "Improved robustness bounds for nonlinear systems with time-varying delayed perturbations,” 第十屆全國自動化科技研討會, 1997.
  12. Liu, P. L., “Stabilization of input-delay saturation actuator systems with delay-dependence,” The 11TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp.151-160, 1996.
  13. Tsay, T. J., Liu., P. L., Su, T. J., “Robust Stabilization for uncertain time-delay systems containing saturation actuator,” The  11TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp. 161-170 , 1996.
  14. Tsay, J. T., Liu, P. L., and Su T. J., “Robust stability for perturbed large-scale time-delays, “1996 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 417-419, 1996.
  15. Liu, P. L., Su, T.J., and Kuo, T. H., “Improved robustness for linear systems with delayed perturbation,” Proceeding of the Thirteen National Conference of the Chinese Society of Machanical Engineering, pp.383-390,1996.
  16. Liu, P. L., “Stability of time-delay interval systems,” The 10TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp.233-242, 1995.
  17. Liu, P. L., and Su, T. J., “On sufficient condition for robust stability of delay systems,” Proceedings of the 1995 American Control Conference, Seattle, Washington, pp.328-329, 1995.
  18. Tsay, J. T., Liu, P. L., and Liu, C. H., “Robust pole-assignment of uncertain discrete-time systems,” The First Symposium of the Chinese Institute of Engineering in UK, Churchill, College, Cambridge, pp. 61, 1995.
  19. Su, T. J. Liu, P. L., and Tsay, J. T., “Stability of interval matrices: new sufficient conditions,” The First Symposium of the Chinese Institute of Engineering in UK, Churchill, College, Cambridge, pp. 63, 1995.
  20. Liu, P. L. and Tsay, T. J., “Robust stabilization of time-delay systems containing saturating actuators,” Proceeding of the Twelfth National Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp.365-370, 1995.
  21. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Stabilization of linear constrained uncertain time-delay systems by observer-based controllers,” The 9TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp. 89-98, 1994.
  22. Liu, P. L., “Estimates of delay time for uncertain saturating systems,” 1994 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 521-526, 1994.
  23. Liu, P. L., “Robustness of pole-placement for perturbed discrete-time systems,” Proceeding of the Eleven National Conference of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp. 59-64, 1994.
  24. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Feedback control of discrete-time constrained systems,” The 8TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp. 185-193, 1993.
  25. Liu, P. L. Su, T. J., “Stability for discrete-time constrained systems,”1993 National Symposium on Automatic Control, pp. 6-8, 1993.
  26. Liu, P. L., Su, T. J. and Chou, J. H., “Robust stability analysis for perturbed large-scale discrete systems,” Proceedings of the 1993 American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, pp. 27-28, 1993.
  27. Liu, P. L., and Su, T. J., “Robust stability radii for perturbed discrete-time constrained systems,” Proceedings of the 1993 American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, pp. 275-276, 1993.
  28. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Stabilization of discrete-time constrained systems,”1993 IEEE Region 10 International Conference on "Computers Communication, Control and Power Engineering," pp.43-46, 1993.
  29. Liu, P. L. and Su, T. J., “Robust stability for uncertain large-scale time-delay systems with delay-dependence,” Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, pp. 3843-3844, 1993.
  30. Su, T. J., and Liu, P. L. and Shyr, W. J., “Stability analysis for large-scale time-delay system with Delay-Dependence,” IEEE International Systems Science, Kobe, Japan, pp. 620-623, 1992.
  31. Su, T. J. and Liu, P. L., “An observer for linear uncertain time-delay systems with delay- dependence,” The 6TH T.V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp. 20186-20192, 1991.
  32. Su, T. J. and Liu, P. L., “Stabilization of linear systems with delay-dependence,” The 6TH T. V. E. Conference of R. O. C., pp.20223-20228, 1991.
  33. Su, T. J.  Liu, P. L. and Tsay, J. T., “Stabilization of delay-dependence for saturating actuator systems,” Proceedings of the 30TH IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Brighton, England,pp. 2891-2892,1991.
